In order to determine the suitability of credit facilities, our company uses a range of credit referencing agencies. At this time, the information that has been provided by the credit referencing agencies has resulted in our company taking the view that credit facilities would not be suitable. As all credit reference agencies generally use publicly available information, we would recommend that you contact your Finance Department to conduct your own credit check to ensure information held is accurate and up-to-date.”


If further clarity is required, you can go on to say the following;


All credit agencies will generally use the same public information (as well as any payment data offered to them from within their own customer base), they capture it from public bodies such as Companies House. Each credit agency will then use a different algorithm to determine what ‘recommendation’ is to be made such as ‘cash preferred’ and so forth. Again, the best thing for a customer to do where there are any concerns about credit facilities is for them to obtain a copy of their own credit report from a credit agency.